Welcome to Gloria Dei Lutheran Church!
This Sunday’s Scripture readings remind us “to give heed to the statutes and ordinances that I am teaching you to observe.” (Deuteronomy 4:1) From the beginning, God has relayed to us how He wants us to respond to His eternal love. We are “saved by grace through faith,” but we are to follow the Way Jesus provided which includes loving God and loving others. And this command includes sharing our gifts which means we will perform acts that demonstrate our understanding and our love as taught by our Creator.
We are blessed by the unlimited love and grace God has made available for all to take, to enjoy, and to share. Being in communion with God and our sisters and brothers is just one step we are to take as we strive to help God bring in His kingdom.
Join us as we pray and sing and share God’s Holy Word as we gather at Church.
We invite you to worship with us at – 3711 Ridge Road in Highland, IN – on YouTube at – Gloria Dei Lutheran Church – Highland, IN – or on Facebook @gloriadeihighland – as we give thanks to God for His unending love for His children. Worship on Sunday at 10AM.